Seven Quick Tips For Get More Comment On Your Blog Post. 0 to 100 Comments in few days

Get More Comment On Your Blog Post.
How do you get people to comment on your blog? What tricks, techniques, and powers of persuasion must you possess? A quiet blog can be depressing, while an active blog is exciting. Once people start chiming in, sharing tips, arguing points, and having a conversation, you feel as if your blogging existence has finally been validated.

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1. Link to your comments section at the end of your post

One of the problems with a lot of blog themes is that you have to scroll all of the way to the bottom of the comments to enter your comment.
And because one of the keys to getting more comments is to make it easy for your readers to comment, we need to do something to make this easier.
You can do this by linking to your comment form at the end of your post, a good example of this in action is what Noah Kagan does on his blog;
Blog comments example on
In the screenshot above, Noah links to his comment form twice, when you click on one of these links you will immediately be taken to the comment form.
If you’re a WordPress user and you don’t have anything like Disqus installed, you can do this by linking to #commentform.
The URL will look like this to your visitors:
But you’ll only need to add #commentform.

2. Leave an unanswered question at the end of your post

One of the best ways to get your readers to comment is to ask their opinion.
Ask an open ended question at the end of your blog post but most importantly ensure that it’s not a question that would result in a yes/no answer.
Your aim should always be to develop a discussion within your comments – the more discussion, the more it will get other people talking.

3. Use video in your content

This strategy may not be for everyone. But, if you can embed a relevant video in your blog posts, you’ll ultimately increase interest, because people will remember 70% of what they see and hear.
Did you know that 75% of executives told Forbes that they watch work-related videos online and that 65% visit the marketer’s site after watching the video?
Additionally, video could help your SEO. If you want your site’s pages to appear on the first page of Google, you should add video to them.
Over the years, as blogging became extremely useful for acquiring leads and increasing sales, smart bloggers learned that combining different media to connect with readers can work wonders, prevent bounce rate and build social media sites to drive traffic.
According to Exponential Programs, the shorter the video, the longer it holds the viewer’s attention.
When using videos to improve the value of your blog posts or articles, make them short, relevant and powerful.
Several authority blogs are built on this concept, especially those that feature embedded videos in their posts. Marie Forleo is one of the top social media influencers and a cheerful digital marketer. Her posts generate over 100 comments and sometimes even as many as 300 comments. She has her media site machine down to drive traffic.
Here’s some proof that adding videos to your blog posts works and is not just a fluke: Social Triggers’ founder Derek Halpern spends thousands of dollars to create powerful and interesting marketing videos that he then often embeds in his posts.
On a good day, he can generate over 100 comments. See the embedded video excerpt below.

4. Actively comment everywhere

Be everywhere,” says Pat Flynn.
It’s a simple yet effective way to increase comments on your blog. Define your target audience, conduct a competitive audience analysis and be consistent with your content strategy.
The “being everywhere” strategy cuts across several media site marketing platforms and tactics to reach your ideal audience and get the social bookmark.
The truth of the matter is that if you spend quality time making thoughtful comments on other people’s blogs, the law of reciprocity takes effect.
Not only will the blog owner visit your blog, read your content and leave a comment, but the community of fans and readers who follow and respect that blogger will follow suit.
As I indicated above, out of the 249 comments I left on other people’s blogs in the month of October, 2014, 224 comments drove 3,891 visitors to my blog. So, another simple way to be everywhere is to guest blog on several niche blogs. That way, you’ll have the opportunity to respond to comments and funnel visitors to your own blog.
If you’re looking for blogs you can follow in order to implement this strategy, just head over to Google and search for your subject + leave comment (e.g. blogging tips + leave comments).
Here are the search results for viable blogs you can comment on:
Note: If you want the blog owners to notice your comment, visit your blog and leave a comment, avoid typing a worthless comment such as “Great article!”
Instead, make your comment count. First, read the article and understand it. Then, write a comment of not less than 100 words. If you’re knowledgeable or skilled in the topic under discussion, contribute and appreciate the writer. Or, simply contribute and then ask a question.
Your comment should be detailed and professional, with no blatant promotion. Use your real name and show that you’re a real person by using a Gravatar. One example that hits all of these marks is this one by Jane on Boost Blog Traffic:

5. Respond to comments

Is it worth your time to respond to blog comments?
Think of responding to comments as creating a chain reaction: when you spend 2 – 3 minutes to read and respond to comments, you’ll have more text on your web page.
And, the more text you have on your page, the more organic long-tail traffic you’ll ultimately get. I’ve responded to 50,696 comments on QuickSprout alone (more on the other blogs where I regularly contribute) and will continue to do so.
Why? Because it’s worth it.
You should probably respond to every comment on your blog.
When you respond to comments, you’re telling your audience that you care about them and appreciate the time they spent to read your words and write a comment in response.

6. Make a Top X list

List posts are always a favorite among readers. The reason probably is because that they give a sense of finite length. When you make a list of top X (replace X with your favorite number 5, 10, 15 so on) you try to pull the readers towards your post. But, this strategy can be used to gain good number of comments too.
Mostly when you make such a list post, you sometimes tend to exclude products that according to others deserve to be in the list. So when you conclude such a post, ask your readers if you missed a product they thought would make into it. You can also ask if their favorite product or item is included by you or not. Ask them reasons why the items suggested by them should be in the list. This way you get a lot of responses which can be from there on made a conversation.
Below is the live example from this post where I got 100+ comments huge-blog-comments

7. Create Blog Posts Around Top Comments

If someone leaves a spectacular and insightful comment around that blog post, use that comment as inspiration for your next blog post. Open with a snippet from that comment, with a link to that reader’s website, and then follow with your opinion. Then reach out to that reader via email to let them know that their comment inspired you! This offers you the opportunity to provide your top commenters with recognition, so that they keep coming back to participate.

By sujeet kumar

Credits :-
Just Myself

I like writing about Science, games and free software.


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