How to increase your Linux performance.

Disable services

When you start up your machine, there's a huge lag between the kernel booting and your desktop appearing, in which time the distro is frantically loading all the background services it needs to run smoothly. Except you don't need all these services at all.
In most distros, the services live in /etc/init.d, and you can stop the ones you don't need from starting up by right-clicking (in Nautilus) and going to Properties > Permissions and unticking the box marked Execute: Allow Executing File As Program.
What's that? You don't know what you need, so you don't know what to turn off? Trial and error is one option, or, if you use SUSE or Mandriva, you're better off using Yast or the Mandriva Contro Centre.
In Yast, go to System > System Services and you'll see a long list of all the services that are available to you. Highlight any one of these to get a description of what that service does, and you should have a pretty good idea of what you can disable.

Optimise Gnome

Along with KDE, Gnome is one of the two most widely used desktop environments in the Linux ecosystem, but it's quickly being overtaken by Xfce and other more lightweight alternatives when it comes to performance and speed. However, with just a few of our tweaks, Gnome can keep up with the rest of the pack...

Install preload

Preload is a daemon that analyses what you do on a day-to-day basis and fetches the binaries and files you're most likely to need to boost startup times and general performance. In Ubuntu you just need to search for 'preload' in the package manager, but on other distros it's worth checking that the service is running. To activate the service, type:
service preload on
After enabling automatic login and installing preload we initiated two restarts on our test machine to give the daemon a chance to monitor the startups. After comparing the two times, we found that preload had trimmed a second off the time it took to get a usable desktop. This doesn't sound a lot, but if it's used in conjunction with your new fast boot time then it's well worth the effort.

Remove the indexing application

By using indexing application apt-xapian-index speeds up certain search operations, but it can slow down older and weaker computers a lot. This package is not important for any task to perform so you can easily remove it.
If you have installed the Synaptic Package Manager: a side effect of the removal is, that the “Quick search” box disappears from the panel of Synaptic. This means that you have to use the search button (the one with the magnifying glass icon) in the panel of Synaptic now.
This search button is superior to the Quick search anyway (it produces more search results), so this disappearance is actually an extra advantage.

Launch a terminal window and type: sudo apt-get purge apt-xapian-index
Press Enter and submit your password. Please note that the password will remain invisible, not even             asterisks will show
Reboot your computer.

 by sujeet kumar and some Linux form
if you have any problem related to linux. you can send me email.
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