Science Behind Quantum Teleportation Explained.

Quantum Teleportation Explained

Science Behind Quantum Teleportation Explained.

When you have heard the name of teleportation, you must have first appeared in Hollywood science fiction movies on your mind.

Today in this article, I will tell you about teleportation today I will explain you the science behind teleportation
Teleportation is pretty firmly situated in the realm of science fiction. We may not be able to teleport objects or people from place to place in an instant, but there are scenarios where teleportation can be achieved. Not only is it possible, but it's actually being accomplished in physics labs across the world.
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How Quantum Teleportation Actually Works

Quantum teleportation is a process by which quantum information (e.g. the exact state of an atom or photon) can be transmitted (exactly, in principle) from one location to another, with the help of classical communication and previously shared quantum entanglement between the sending and receiving location. Because it depends on classical communication, which can proceed no faster than the speed of light, it cannot be used for faster-than-light transport or communication of classical bits. While it has proven possible to teleport one or more qubits of information between two (entangled) atoms, this has not yet been achieved between anything larger than molecules.
Source:- Wiki
Schematic of quantum teleportation algorithm. Entangled state AB is split so that particle A goes to Alice and B to Bob. Alice then entangles A and C, disentangling B and sending Bob the information he needs to recover the state of C on the other end. Based on .

To understand quantum teleportation, you first need to understand the concept of quantum information. In the quantum world, the exact state of an atom or a photon can be considered a kind of bit of information. Thus, you can think of an organism not as a whole entity, but rather as the aggregation of different quantum bits, or qubits.

The interesting case is when the phone allows only the passage of classical information. You can think of the phone as measuring all signals as they pass through the phone. All standard phones are classical phones.
In effect, what we are asking here is can we use our standard classical communication tools to transmit the state of a quantum system.

Thus far our setup for quantum teleportation is equal to the one for classical teleportation. But there is one important difference. In the quantum case, Labs A and B must begin with something called an entangled quantum state, which will be destroyed by the teleportation procedure.

Source:- lightlike

Quantum telepheresis

If physicists Asher Peres and William Wootters had stuck to calling this quantum process ‘telepheresis’ when they first conceived of it in 19934, I doubt we’d be seeing headlines about it today. It was their co-author Charles Bennett who suggested instead ‘quantum teleportation’.
Whatever it’s called, the process transfers the quantum state of one particle onto another, identical particle, and at the same time erases the state in the original. This situation can’t be meaningfully distinguished from one in which the original particle itself has been moved to the target location: that transport has not really happened, but to all appearances it might as well have.

The same is true of quantum particles. If you have two entangled particles, knowing the state of one will automatically tell you the state of the other as well. And just like with our fast food, this is independent of distance, which means we can use entanglement as our teleportation method.

To perform the teleportation, Alice makes a special kind of measurement, called a Bell measurement, on particles A and C together. Crucially, this doesn’t tell her what state C is in. But because of the entanglement between A and B, it places B in a state that can be turned into whatever state C originally had, if Bob applies the right operation. By making her measurement, however, Alice has erased that state from C itself.

Cradit:- wiki, inverse, lightlike, brilliant, nature, popularmechanics
Just Myself

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