Simple Tips to Protect Yourself Against Hackers

Simple Tips to Protect Yourself Against Hackers - Mystery Techs

In a time where companies, celebrities, and even governments are coming under cyber-attacks, getting hacked might seem inevitable. But according to former NSA hacker David Kennedy, there are steps you can take to prevent it from happening to you. Kennedy shares his five must-do tips for protecting yourself from hackers.

Cybercriminals now have access to sensitive information, including names, social security numbers, birth dates, addresses, and the numbers of some driver’s licenses. Although it can be overwhelming, there are preventative steps you can take to prevent hackers from being successful at using this information to compromise your identity.

Don’t share personal information

Be very sensitive with the information you share online, via email, and even over the phone. Credit card numbers, bank account information, and social security numbers are popular targets for hackers and identity thieves. If you have any reason to believe that this information is being requested for illegitimate reasons, don’t provide it. For extra precaution, verify in person or over the phone with any party or company requesting this information. When it comes to protecting yourself and your personal information, sometimes you can’t be too cautious.

Cover Your Webcam

Hackers love to snoop on people’s webcams — so they can infect them with malware. Their favorite tool is a remote access Trojan that takes over your computer, steals files, records your conversations, and can even activate your webcam to spy on you.
The most effective way to cover your camera is to use painter’s tape. Designed to stick evenly and be removed easily without damaging the target surface, this tape can be bought at any hardware store or paint supplies store.

Don’t use the same password everywhere. 

I know it’s hard, but using the same password everywhere is one of probably the easiest ways that we break in as hackers. So if you have the same Twitter password as your same banking information, those are things that can get you in some serious trouble.
If you are forgetting passwords

Read: 5 Best Password Manager for PC,MAC and Android

This lets you store multiple passwords in encrypted form so you don’t have to remember them. You can access all your passwords using one master password and are automatically logged in to your favorite sites.

Be wary of open Wi-Fi networks

Public Wi-Fi networks may seem appealing, but, in general, you should avoid them. And that is because unsecured public Wi-Fi networks pose a risk to users, especially those who may be conducting sensitive tasks, such as online banking. Instead, use a mobile hotspot. Many carriers, like T-Mobile, offer mobile hotspots as part of their plans. With it, you can use your wireless plan to access the Internet from any connected device, including your laptop. You’re already paying for Internet coverage with your wireless plan; why not use this coverage on devices other than your smartphone?

For smartphones

Some criminals make available applications (or “apps”) that look and function like legitimate apps, but actually install malware to your smartphone. Be sure to download apps only from trusted sources, and check the number of downloads and read reviews to makes sure you aren’t downloading a “look-alike” app

Create a strong PIN or passcode.

If your device is lost or stolen, a strong passcode may prevent a thief from accessing all the information stored on your phone. Many smartphones also allow you to remotely wipe the information from your computer in the event of loss or theft.

For Windows PCs

  • Keep software updated

Operating systems, web browsers, software programs, and digital apps should be kept updated at all times. Doing so will not only help improve functionality and eliminate bugs that may currently be plaguing you but can provide for much improved cybersecurity as well. In fact, many times, these updates are being published specifically to counter known security issues; if you don’t update, then you are exposing yourself to threats that have already been identified. Why take that risk when keeping your apps and software programs updated is so easy? In fact, you can even have these programs update automatically through customizing your settings.

Make sure that you stay up to date. Those security patches. Every time you have a Windows update that says hey I need to update your computer, it’s usually to fix a known attack that hackers have figured out to get access to your computer. So keep up to date whether you’re using a Mac, they aren’t impervious to attack, or you’re using Windows, same thing, update your systems. That’s the most important thing, always keep up to date with what you’re having out there. Same thing for third-party applications. If you’re using Java, Adobe, PDFs, Office documents, those are all things that you want to keep up to date and that makes it much harder for us as hackers to break in to your system.

For E-mails

  • Delete suspicious emails. It is best to delete spam or dubious-looking emails without opening them. If you receive a questionable email from a friend or family member, it is best to contact that person and verify he or she sent it before opening the email or clicking on a link or attachment.
  • Use secure devices. If possible, only access online accounts from your personal computer, tablet, or smartphone while using a secured Internet connection. Try to limit accessing personal accounts from public computers that could be infected with spyware or malware, or may use an unsecured Internet connection. If you do use public computers, be sure to log out when you are finished. In general, it is more secure to use a smartphone’s cellular data network than a public or unsecured Internet connection.
  • Create strong passwords. To reduce the chances of your online accounts being hacked, change your passwords frequently. Strong passwords are at least 12 characters long, include numbers, letters, special characters (&,!,?, etc.), and are not too predictable. For example, don’t use your name or date of birth for your password or common words like “password.” If you have multiple online accounts, it is best to have a different password for each account. In the event that one of your accounts is hacked, having different passwords for your other accounts reduces the likelihood of those accounts being accessed too.

Shop only from sites with secure address

Secure sites are the future of the Web. In fact, search engines like Google have long given priority to websites with a secure address, and will even alert you when you’re on an unsecured website. For peace of mind online, consider making purchases only from websites with an HTTPS web address. A traditional HTTP address indicates that the site lacks a security certificate or SSL. Secure addresses also feature a lock icon within the address bar, highly visible in green. Look for this icon when browsing the Web or shopping online.

Just Myself

I like writing about Science, games and free software.

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