5 Creepiest Things You Can Find at the Bottom of the Ocean

5 Creepiest Things You Can Find at the Bottom of the Ocean

5 Creepiest Things You Can Find at the Bottom of the Ocean

Locomotive graveyards, ancient civilizations, felled military vessels, and unbelievably odd marine creatures are just a few macabre and magical wonders living underneath the sea.

 There's a whole lot to be afraid of in the depths of the sea where the sunlight barely reaches. It's an unforgiving terrain and houses creatures that are just as intense, including fish resembling skulls like the Northern Stargazer and bug-like crustaceans like the Giant Isopod. These 5 terrifying things in the ocean primarily live along the floor, where some have waited centuries to be discovered by scientists. It certainly takes an incredible animal to survive water pressure as high as eight tons per square inch, and these animals do it with an appearance that's just as brutal to match.

5. Numerous lost cities


Atlantis isn’t the only forgotten civilization buried many leagues under the sea. The remains of at least a dozen lost cities rest eerily at the bottom of the ocean near places like Greece, Japan, and India. The sunken palace of Cleopatra is one of the most fabled underwater remnants of the ancient world. It was cast into the sea of when an earthquake and a tsunami hit Alexandria, Egypt, more than 1,400 years ago. And one of the most spectacular—and shockingly intact—submerged civilizations is Shicheng, also called the Lion City, at the bottom of China’s Qiandao Lake. But this one isn’t ancient; in fact, it was purposely flooded in 1959 to make room for a dam and an adjoining hydroelectric station—after the city’s inhabitants were relocated, thankfully.

4.Goblin Shark

 If You Weren't Already Scared Of The Ocean, You Will Be After Seeing These 20 Disturbing Photos.

This Goblin Shark is the stuff of nightmares! And it doesn’t even matter that they live in the deepest parts of the ocean. The fact that they exist at all is reason enough to stay out of the water!

Truth be told, humans have learned very little in regards to Goblin Sharks. While there are a few key factors that we are clear about, there is a plethora of specifics that we are completely unaware of. Although we have much to learn about these magnificent creatures, their physical appearances are familiar to us, and we can certainly identify one if it showed up in our vicinity (even though the chances of that happening is highly unlikely).

3. A fleet of military battleships

 Shipwreck of the Torpedo boat Giuseppe Dezza and scuba diver underwater in the Mediterranean Sea

Operation Hailstone, a surprise attack on Japan’s Imperial Fleet during World War II, sunk hundreds of military battleships, air crafts, and submarines. The vehicles sank off the coast of the Caroline Islands in the South Pacific over the course of two brutal days in 1944. Referred to as Japan’s Pearl Harbor, the event killed thousands of soldiers, and the wreckage remained undiscovered until the legendary Jacques Cousteau explored it in the late 1960s. Today, it’s called Truk Lagoon, and it’s just one of many of the world’s most bizarre tourist attractions.

Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto was killed on April 18, 1943. The following day, Admiral Mineichi Koga succeeded Yamamoto as Commander-in-Chief of the Combined Fleet. Koga wanted the Imperial Japanese Navy to engage the American fleet in a single decisive battle in early 1944.
From the very start of the conflict in December 1941, the Japanese war plan had been to discourage America by inflicting such severe and painful losses on its military that the public would become war weary and the American government would be convinced to sue for peace and allow Japan to keep her conquests in east and southeast Asia. Though at a numerical disadvantage from the outset, and an industrial disadvantage that would add to that disparity over the course of time, the Japanese high command believed they could fight the U.S. Navy in a single, decisive engagement, known as the Kantai Kessen, which would allow them to defeat the Americans. However, their ability to fight and win such a battle was slipping away. Imperial Navy aircrew losses suffered over the course of the earlier carrier battles at Coral Sea and Midway, and the long Solomon Islands campaign of 1942-43, had greatly weakened the Japanese Navy's ability to project force with its carriers.
As the Solomon Islands campaign was largely fought by the Imperial Navy, losses suffered there drastically reduced the number of skilled carrier pilots available to fill the carrier air groups. Losses suffered in the Solomons could be readily absorbed, replaced and made good by the U.S. Navy, but not by the Japanese. It took nearly a year for the Japanese to reconstitute their air groups following the Solomons campaign.

2. A 2,000-year-old computer

 Ancient calendar signs carved on stone background close photo

Today, computers are ubiquitous, but a few thousand years ago, they were pretty hard to come by. The oldest known computer was discovered among a shipwreck at the bottom of the sea off the Greek island Antikythera. A group of fisherman made the find around the turn of the 20th century. The rusted over device, possibly invented between 200 and 70 BC, was finally excavated in 1902 and is now known as the Antikythera Mechanism.

What was explained in The Two-Thousand-Year-Old Computer – you'll still catch it here on iPlayer – strikes me as staggering for two quite different reasons which I'll explain. But first, what is the Antikythera mechanism?
Put simply by an ignorant layman – here's Wiki's basic summary and here's a more ambitious and technical note – it is the accidental 1900-01 discovery in a shipwreck off an island (hence the name) between Greece and Crete of a complex and intriguing fragment, its origin later dated to about 100BC. It has taken a lot of clever people and equipment most of the 20th century to reveal its astonishing secrets.
What was initially dismissed as an anomaly – a rock with a cogwheel embedded in it must be so for other reasons, including much later shipwrecks – was a device with at least 30 (some say 70) gears, all precision engineered (the teeth were hand-cut equilateral triangles) and designed to predict the movements of the sun and moon, plus six of our closer planetary neighbours. The calendar dial can be moved to adjust for that inconvenient extra quarter day in the solar year.

1. The Ghostly Wreck of the Titanic

 The Ghostly Wreck of the Titan... is listed (or ranked) 4 on the list The Creepiest Places in the Ocean

Found 73 years after it sank in 1912, the wreck of the RMS Titanic paints a chilling picture of the aftermath of history’s most famous sea tragedy. That’s where more than 1,500 people died, many of them buried underwater along with the enormous ship. Since the wreckage was found, many efforts have been initiated to pull it from the bottom of the ocean. Unfortunately, none of the missions succeeded, as if she chose the cold deep ocean as her resting place.

Our city has its share of Titanic memorials – the lighthouse at the South Street Seaport, and a touching memorial to Ida and Isidor Strauss on 106th Street – as well as some of its ghosts. Most famously, the Jane Street hotel is rumored to be haunted by the spirits of the ship’s survivors. But what of the site of the sinking? Can the sea itself be haunted?
This is an interesting question for ghost-hunters. The ocean is filled with wrecks and the bodies of doomed sailors and passengers. With so many ghosts of the sea, the earth’s waters should be one of the most haunted places in existence. Think of all the perished souls who died abruptly and violently and never had a proper burial – supposedly the first set of criteria for creating ghosts. Logically speaking, there ought to be dozens of ghost ships circumnavigating the seas at any given time.
And there are indeed very many famous ghost ships. The Flying Dutchman, of course, is the best known. The Dutchman legend has been floating around (if you will) since the 17th century. The ship is said to be doomed never to enter port and to sail ‘round the world forever. To sight its glowing hull and masts is said to portend doom, and those who see it will never walk ashore again. The origins of the story are unclear, but some have tried to explain it scientifically, saying it’s an optical illusion caused by light refraction, which may be how the legend began. However the story first got started, it has been repeated throughout the centuries, and has been adapted in literature and film, most notably in Coleridge’s Rime of the Ancient Mariner, which tells tale of a ghost ship, and in Edgar Allan Poe’s MS. Found in a Bottle, in which a shipwreck survivor finds himself on a ship with a lifeless crew.
As for the Titanic itself, have there been any ghost sightings spotted near the rusting hull, three hundred miles out to sea? Incredibly, the answer is yes. Ships passing by the site, which is off the coast of Newfoundland, have actually reported seeing orbs. Orbs, as any ghost hunter can tell you, are little balls of light-energy signifying supernatural presence. Multiple orbs have been spotted hovering near the Titanic site, on more than one occasion. Furthermore, submarines sailing near the site have reported hearing strange signals and interference on their radios, including SOS messages that have no verifiable source. (On an interesting side note, the Titanic was among the first vessels to use the distress signal SOS, which was new at the time. It used it interchangeably with CQD – come quick, danger – which was the old signal. Neither, of course, helped matters.) Finally, in 1977, Second Office Leonard Bishop of the SS Winterhaven gave one of his passengers a tour of his ship. The passenger was soft-spoken, had a British accent, and was unusually attentive to detail. Something about the man struck Bishop as odd, but he couldn’t quite put his finger on what seemed out of place. A few years later, someone showed him a picture of Captain Edward J. Smith, and Bishop said, “I know that man, I gave him a tour of my boat.” His companion laughed and said, “Impossible! That man was the captain of the Titanic.”

Just Myself

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