5 Ancient aliens on Earth Evidences

5 Ancient aliens on Earth Evidences

The world is full of unanswered questions. And while it’s alright to admit if you don’t have an answer, the questions still need to be asked.
At least that was the consensus of experts and attendees at Contact in the Desert, an annual conference devoted to all things extraterrestrial.

From the raising of the Egyptian pyramids to the mysterious Nazca Lines and the ominous heads of Easter Island, the creation of many ancient constructions has been attributed to interstellar visitors.
For decades, these impressive man-made sites have been scoured by crypto-archeologists in the hopes of discovering evidence of extraterrestrial intervention.

5. Akhenaten's Elongated Skull


Pharaoh Akhenaten's strange appearance has caused speculation from some ancient alien theorists that he could have been an extraterrestrial. Indeed, his appearance in ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics and statues is odd and very dissimilar from how other Pharaoh’s were portrayed. He is shown as having an elongated skull, long neck, overweight mid-section and breasts. While these features are quite similar to the typical western depiction of aliens, other historians have argued that his odd appearance could have been due to a genetic disorder (such as Marfan syndrome) or he could have even been transgendered.

The depictions of Akhenaten were not just a different artistic style of the time, nor was it due to biological deformities. With his elongated features, especially his skull, and overall strange shape of his body with an abnormally larger mid section, how could it not remind us of the look of an alien.
The name “Akhenaten”, as stated in class, means “living spirit of Aten”, being, of course, the disk of the sun. As it turns out, these theorists have suggested that maybe this “disk” was something of a UFO, after all it is a large disc shape that hovers in the sky. The argument against it just being the sun is  that if Akhenaten says he came from it, then there must be something more to this object.

4. Nasca Lines

Picture of plane flying over spider-shaped Nasca Lines in Peru
Picture of plane flying over spider-shaped Nasca Lines in Peru
Picture of plane flying over spider-shaped Nasca Lines in Peru

On a high and dry plateau some 200 miles southeast of Lima, more than 800 long, straight white lines are etched into the Peruvian desert, seemingly at random. Joining them are 300 geometric shapes and 70 figures of animals, including a spider, monkey, and hummingbird.
The longest of the lines run straight as an arrow for miles. The biggest shapes stretch nearly 1,200 feet across and are best viewed from the air. Scientists suspect the Nasca drawings are as many as two millennia old, and because of their age, size, visibility from above, and mysterious nature, the lines are often cited as one of the best examples of alien handiwork on Earth. Otherwise, how would an ancient culture have been able to make such huge designs in the desert without being able to fly? And why?
Turns out, it’s rather easy to understand the how. Called geoglyphs, these enigmatic designs are made by removing the top, rust-colored layer of rocks and exposing the brighter white sand underneath.
The why is a bit tougher to comprehend. First studied in the early 1900s, the designs were initially suspected to be aligned with constellations or solstices, but more recent work suggests the Nasca lines point to ceremonial or ritual sites related to water and fertility. And in addition to being visible from the air, the shapes can be seen from surrounding foothills.

3. The Helicopter Hieroglyphs in the Temple of Seti I

 ancient alien proof Earth UFO drawings

The magnificent great Pyramids of Giza are popular fodder for conspiracy theories and the whole of the ancient Egyptian civilisation has in one way or another been linked to bizarre alien conspiracies.
But one of the most convincing bits of evidence aliens have in fact helped raise the ancient civilisation is a set of unusual hieroglyphs in the 3,000-year-old Temple of Seti in Abydos, Egypt.
Among conspiracy forums, the icons have become known as the “Helicopter Hieroglyphs” for supposedly showing eerie pictures of what appears to be a helicopter and futuristic aircraft.
Some pseudo-archeologists who have seen the glyphs in person claimed they were left behind by time travellers while other suggested they were left behind to honour alien visitors.
Most genuine archeologists however will agree the icons are the simple result of typographical errors – overlapping symbols in a day and age where typos were quite literally set in stone.

2. Egyptian Pyramids

Picture of man with camel near the Pyramids of Giza, Egypt

Just outside Cairo, in Giza, the most famous of Egypt’s pyramids rise from the desert. Built more than 4,500 years ago, the Pyramids at Giza are monumental tombs where ancient queens and pharaohs were buried.
But how, exactly, did the Egyptians build these things? The Great Pyramid is made of millions of precisely hewn stones weighing at least two tons each. Even with today’s cranes and other construction equipment, building a pyramid as big as that of Pharaoh Khufu would be a formidable challenge.
And then there’s the astronomical configuration of the pyramids, which is said to align with the stars in Orion’s belt. As well, alien theorists often point to the fact that these three pyramids are in way better shape than others built centuries later (never mind the amount of work that has gone into preserving them over the past several centuries).
So are Egypt’s pyramids artifacts of aliens? Not exactly. It’s true that scientists aren’t quite sure how the ancient Egyptians build the pyramids—and especially how they did it so quickly—but there’s ample evidence that these tombs are the work of thousands of earthly hands.

1. Teotihuacán


Teotihuacán, meaning the "City of the Gods," is a sprawling, ancient city in Mexico that’s best known for its pyramidal temples and astronomical alignments. Built more than 2,000 years ago, Teotihuacán’s age, size, and complexity can make it seem otherworldly, but it’s very much the work of humans.
Scientists suspect that over centuries, a mix of cultures including Maya, Zapotec, and Mixtec built the city that could house more than 100,000 people. With its murals, tools, transportation system, and evidence of advanced agricultural practices, Teotihuacán is often considered much more technologically developed than should have been possible in pre-Aztec Mexico.
By far, the most well known of Teotihuacán’s buildings is the massive Pyramid of the Sun. One of the largest such constructions in the Western Hemisphere, the pyramid’s curious alignment is believed to be based on calendrical cycles.


Just Myself

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