3 Unique Ways to Earn Money With Pinterest.

3 Unique Ways to Earn Money With Pinterest

Earn Money With Pinterest.As you know Pinterest is very big photo social media marketing platform.
Pinterest is one of the largest social media websites on earth. Just like with Facebook and Twitter, there’s a variety of ways to use Pinterest to drive traffic to your affiliate links, blogs, niche sites, eCom store or pretty much anywhere else you want. And you can monetize your Pinterest following easily.
There are many ways to make money with Pinterest, and as the network continues to grow, your opportunities will grow too.
Let’s look at some effective ways in which you can make money with Pinterest.
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Why it’s easy to make money on Pinterest

Pinterest is often referred to as a social network, but the truth is, it’s more like a search engine.
People go to Pinterest to look for ideas, and specifically to look for things to buy!
87% of users have bought something they found on Pinterest and a whopping 93% say they’ve used Pinterest to plan future purchases.
This means it’s easy and natural to promote great products on Pinterest without looking spammy.
Also, your pins on Pinterest hang around forever. It’s not like Twitter, where your message disappears into the ether just minutes after you tweet it out. If a pin gets picked up and gets a lot of repins, it will keep showing up in people’s feeds without any more effort on your part.
You don’t need a blog to make money on Pinterest. Anyone can create a Pinterest account and starting pinning affiliate links.
(However, there are certain affiliate programs which do require a website, so check with individual programs before signing up.)
And you don’t need hundreds of followers.
Again, Pinterest is a search engine. This means that if you pin fabulous images with good, keyword-rich descriptions, people will find your pins – even if they don’t follow you.

1. Pinterest Affiliate Marketing

Earn Money With Pinterest

A lot of people are making a living from affiliate marketing. Many companies offer affiliate marketing programs to have their products advertised and sold by other people.
Affiliate marketing is essentially someone paying you commission for sales you make through your affiliate link. For example, if you run a weight loss blog, you can make money by selling someone else’s weight loss product. They will set you up with an affiliate link so they can keep track of where the sales came from. You’ll receive a commission for every product sold via your link.
Many companies want affiliates who will promote their products for a small commission on the sales that result. Find companies that sell products you can promote, and sign up as an affiliate. Then promote the products on your boards, using your affiliate links.
Tip: use an URL-shortening service like Bitly to manage your links. You’ll be able to track your pins and boards for the number of clicks.
Regarding spamming. Periodically Pinterest takes action against affiliate marketing spammers. If you get caught up in this, link your pins to your own website, where you can use affiliate links.
Think about it. All you do is create a pin, add your affiliate link in the URL space, and then spread that pin widely across the Pinterest-sphere. It's that simple.
If you're wondering how to make money on Pinterest without a blog - THIS is how. With affiliate links on Pins.

2. Drive traffic to your blog or product

Earn Money With Pinterest

Every day Pinterest search drives millions of visits to other sites through referral traffic. Every time someone saves your Pin their followers will see it too, exposing it to even more people with similar interests. That means more than just your followers will see your Pins, making Pinterest a great place for new customers to discover your brand and products.
Measuring success on Pinterest looks different. Brands with better content reach more people than brands with lots of followers. Getting Pinners to engage with your ideas matters because it signals that people are ready to act on the ideas you’ve shared with them.
The image you use for your blog post has to be amazing. Many studies have been done on what makes a great pin and a startup called Curalate found several attributes that are common with the best pins out there.

3. Ask for Sponsors on Pinterest

Earn Money With Pinterest

Find a niche that you enjoy (for example, fashion for women over 30) and build your audience on Pinterest. Share content (aka pins) with them that gets your audience to consistently engage (e.g. likes, repins, comments). Once you have built your audience and have a steady degree of engagement, it is time for you to reach out to sponsors that would be willing to pay for the chance to reach your audience.

Get More Pinterest Followers

  • Original images
  • Infographics
  • Content you find online
  • Quotes
  • Funny photos
In my experience, infographics stand out the most.

by sujeet kumar
Just Myself

I like writing about Science, games and free software.

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