Get Instant Traffic On Your Blog And Website By This Trick

Get Instant Traffic On Your Blog And Website By This Trick
Mostly New Blogger's main problem is low traffic and very low Page views and you know for Bloggers main earning sources is website and blog views, if you are blogger then you know How big problem is this for bloggers.
In this artical i am telling you some Best Trick to get instant traffic and rank on google For you Blog and website.

Also Read:-
This is the Most Aggressive and working trick For Bloggers "Backlinks" & "forums"

Here is a list of dofollow forums which have high Domain authority, register there use your blog link as signature and make sure that you stay active as these forums are very active and you will get backlinks as well as traffic.

Here is a list of dofollow forums which have high Domain authority, register there use your blog link as signature and make sure that you stay active as these forums are very active and you will get backlinks as well as traffic.
  1. V7nForum
  2.  Joomla Forum
  3. CNET Forum
  4. Mysql Forum
  5. Digital point Forum
  6. Site Point Forum
  7.  Warrior forum
  8.  Deviantart
  9.  File Sharing Forum
  10.  Geek Village Forum
  11. HTML Forum
  12. MyGame Builder Forum
  13.  PhpBB Forum
  14. Web-hosting Forum
  15. GardenWeb
  16. FileZilla Forum
  17. Antionline
  18. XDA developers forum
  19. What is my IP
  20. Ubuntu forums
  21. Audacity forum
  22. Chronicle Forum
  23. Photoshop designs
  24. Windows Forum
  25. SEOChat forum
  26. Cheftalk forum
  27. Miui Android Forum
  28. Business Advice Forum
  29. IDPF
I’m only spending about 10 minutes a day on discussion forums, but from this little effort, I have successfully managed to drive traffic from forums every single day to my blog.

Social media marketing is one of the essential technique to create a brand for your blog and drive traffic. You can socialize on forum boards, Twitter, FaceBook, and other social network sites. For me, my favorites are Facebook and Forums. Others experience success with the other social sites such as Twitter & pinterest. You must practice proper social etiquette on all the above to get the most profit out of it. Again, it all goes back to spamming. People don’t like it and as a result, will not do business with you.
Always remember, if you wish to make big money with Blogging, you need to put proper effort and time to improve your blog every day.
The above tips are the basics of using a blog and making money with it. Remember, proper socializing and monetizing is key with blogging success.

Start writing on Quora

Quora is world’s no.1 Q & A platform where you get best answers to any question.
If you’re not using Quora yet, you’re missing a HUGE opportunity to increase traffic to your website.
That being said, you can also use Quora to start writing answers related to your blog topics and get more exposure if you’re getting more upvotes (just as Facebook likes).
Also make sure to follow me on Quora if you’re looking to generate more search traffic from search engines as I mostly write on Quora related to SEO topics so they can be useful.
Quora is an excellent place for coming up with new post ideas and to do competitor analysis. Here are few quick tips to get more traffic to your sites from Quora.
  • Pick broad topics to start answering (when you’re just starting out). They tend to get more views hence you get more upvotes. This gives you enough confidence to start spending more time on Quora. Then, you can start answering questions related to your own blog topics.
  • Make sure to follow bloggers who are already killing it on Quora. That way you will be easily able to find topics that are on high demand. You can also start networking with other bloggers to build strong relationships with others to increase traffic to your website.
  • Start writing at least 3 to 5 really good answers on Quora every single day. That way you can be consistent and start getting more upvotes, views and even brand recognition.
  • Always give links to your published blog posts while answering on Quora. You don’t have to copy past all the content from your content, but make sure to use relevant information and add a link (to your existing post) at the end of your Quora answer. That way you can attract more people to visit your site from Quora.
  • Stop spamming. Start adding value. That’s how you get most out of Quora platform.

Start getting traffic from world’s 2nd biggest search engine

YouTube is the 2nd largest search engine on the planet right now. Here are some quick facts that make you say wow about YouTube.
YouTube processes more than 3 billion searches a month. Thousands hours of video are uploaded every minute. It’s bigger than Bing, Yahoo!, Ask and AOL combined. Undoubtedly, YouTube is one of the biggest search engines that you can’t ignore.
Did you know that videos under 2 minutes usually get more views on YouTube? Check out the screenshot below for YouTube stats that mesmerize you.
youtube tips
So how to bring visitors from YouTube to your website to boost your traffic. Here are few tips from pros to help you get started.
  • Start a YouTube channel with your name (or blog’s name). Make sure to use keywords while uploading videos (with title, meta description and tags). That way when someone enters a relevant keyword, your videos get found easily.
  • Experiment a lot. While doing video marketing on YouTube, you need experiment with posting frequency, video length etc so you can understand what works best to increase your site traffic.
  • Always make sure to add links to your sites by using annotations on YouTube or meta description data. Otherwise, you’re wasting your traffic from YouTube. Also ask people to visit your sites while they are watching your videos.
  • Your video titles play a huge role. So try to spend as much time as possible to come up with rocking tiles for your videos. You can use free tools like Portent to come up with a ton of rocking headlines for your YouTube videos to generate more traffic to your sites.
by sujeet kumar
Just Myself

I like writing about Science, games and free software.

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