Most Mysterious Website In The World

Most Mysterious Website In The World

The Most Haunted Websites On The Internet
The Internet has left us more connected than we ever imagined. You can buy groceries from half way across the world, schedule birthday messages on social networks, and even set the coffee maker to prepare a fresh brew when you walk through the door. But for all the benefits, there is a darker side to the World Wide Web.
No doubt you’ve already prepared your system to combat hackers with the latest firewalls and antivirus software, but what about dangers from the other side? EVP is no longer the only digital outlet for ghosts to conduct their hauntings. Now they have access to a medium far larger, with a vaster network, and there’s nothing we can do to stop them. With all the technological advancements of the modern age, perhaps in the near future paranormal beings may not need to channel communication through mediums and psychics at all; social networks for the dead could be just around the corner. From possessed hardware to phantom emails, the following  websites and technologies suggest that the Internet is no longer purely of the digital realm.

Galactic Internet

Greg Egan, a jewel in Australia’s science fiction crown, writes in his 1997 novel Diaspora about a mind-bending far future scenario for interstellar travel. The human race has split into those still in biological bodies, those embedded in humanoid robots, and those who choose to live as software running on central computers. I won’t get into the rich details of the novel this morning, but suffice it to say that the diaspora portrayed here involves a thousand clones of a future Earth community sent to explore nearby stars. Different digitized copies of the same characters spin out their own story lines over a background that spans hundreds of light years.
This is one way to get to the stars, reminiscent of Robert Freitas’ nanotech probes that house thousands of human intelligences in spacecraft no larger than needles. It’s a reminder that highly advanced future cultures may have means at their disposal for star travel even if we find no way of getting up to more than a small percentage of the speed of light. It’s also a memo to SETI theorists about what we might look for as we ponder the shape of extraterrestrial civilizations. If biological life is gradually replaced in favor of software and AI, what signatures will we find?

 4chan is a simple image-based bulletin board where anyone can post comments and share images. There are boards dedicated to a variety of topics, from Japanese animation and culture to videogames, music, and photography. Users do not need to register an account before participating in the community. Feel free to click on a board below that interests you and jump right in!

In 2008, 4Chan users attacked a girl named Katy Robinson, after she uploaded a photo of herself onto the site. A day later, a girl claiming to be her sister said that Katy has killed herself as a result of the cyber bullying. Soon after, a figure named Jeff the Killer, with a creepy smile, pale face and dead-looking eyes, began popping up on the boards. This “character” became an Internet sensation, cropping up in video games, short films, comic books and various other media. Soon after 4Chan users realized that Jeff the Killer bore a remarkably similar appearance to the allegedly deceased Katy.


 joy of satan


 There’s a lot of stigma centered around Satanism, but not all satanic rites and celebrations revolve around human and animal sacrifice. Joy of Satan is a cheap-looking website dedicated to debunking the myths and exposing the (less sinister) truth about the religion. However, they do have a creepy side, aptly reflected in their homepage statement, “We work directly with Satan.” Past users recruited through the site have reported engaging in online sermons with the purpose of interacting with demons, or as Joy of Satan states, “The Gods of Hell.” Regardless of whether true Satanists are a life loving bunch who believe in rational scientific explanations for all-things-paranormal, summoning beings from Hell just doesn’t seem okay.



 If you fancy giving ghost hunting a try, but would rather bypass the long, cold night in a creepy abandoned manor house, ghost cams are the perfect alternative. All you need to do is load up the feed, sit back, and watch the screen. While the website itself is no longer in use, Ghost Study has links to some of the most popular haunted places in the world, such as the Catacombs of Paris, Ordsall Hall and Gettysburg. Some users have even claimed to have caught a glimpse of the late-great Elvis Presley on the Graceland surveillance cameras


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